Applying a new lifestyle can be a hard thing. The SELF, INC. Life Program is simple and easy to understand but the actual implementation of the principles can be challenging for most. One of the reasons I took a break from writing and coaching others on the Program is because I was in a car accident and had some other unexpected health issues that drew my attention away from helping others to trying to get my Body Department back in working order. Between going to this doctor and that doctor, getting procedures done and list goes on and on, your body sort of gets to run the show and it can drain you of your inner strength and derail you from living a Spirit-led life. In fact, I let it go on too long because I became a "victim" and had only miserable stories to share with others and eventually that effected my relationships in a negative way.
I am grateful that my car accident wasn't worse, but when you are injured you are injured. Since the Body is the vessel we use to do the things we do in our world, we cannot neglect it. I had focused so much on my Spirit Department that I got lazy with my Mind and Body Department. So when I got hit by another car, my response was coming from were I stood physically-speaking. I had not been practicing the principles for the Body Department and so I had gotten out of shape and that had effected my Mind Department because I didn't feel good about myself to begin with . Your Spirit Department can be prevailing but if you are not APPLYING your the principles of the Program for all three Departments something is eventually going to give. Now almost 2 years later after the accident my Body has healed but now the real work has to begin. My Mind Department has dropped the whole "feel sorry for me" story and is lining up again with my Spirit Department. I recently embarked on a overhaul of my SELF, INC. Every morning I have been waking up and like a old car in the winter, I feel myself warming up in the chill air and getting my engine ready. The key to getting your Departments in balance with one another so that they ALL work together. If one does not take note of what improvements or changes are to be made to their whole SELF, INC., all three Departments will be off kilter.
You don't have to be in a car accident or be ill in some way for your life to falter. It's about self-respect and self-love. We were not designed to be miserable beings. If you are on board with the fact that you are made of Spirit and you have a Mind and Body that work with what your Spirit has in mind for you everyday then there are no excuses. There are countless people out there that are so less fortunate. I know that is trite and how many times do we here the saying "it could be worse." The fact of the matter it is, anyone living their lives out by being externally-directed is living an unauthentic life and that is “could be worse.” We have a responsibility as individuals that is so grand that most of shy away and fall in line with the rest who are chasing their own tails or that next "material" thing that is going to make everything alright. We are the most amazing creation in the Universe. No matter how hard we try we will never be able to beat God at being a better Creator than He. It will never happen. The human being is the most amazing creation of all time. We can't add or subtract anything to what God has created. What we can do is be responsible for the honor we have in being a human being regardless of our disabilities, our health, our employment status, our relationships. People have proven to us all over this world that when someone has passion, or Inspirito (i.e. a Spirit) and have challenges that, for most of us, would be too much and we go down, for some of us we just give up on having any dreams, aspiration or even the will to live.
I can speak of these things because I have been there, at the end of my rope. I promise you this though, when I found myself falling into a "black hole" of some sort, reached out to God for answers about how to change so I could have the will to live and have the desire to pursue dreams. That was over 10 years ago when I asked for help and the SELF, INC. Life Program is what manifested out of that dark season of my life. I applied the principles that were unveiled to me and I felt myself growing in strength and desire to live out my purpose on this Earth. I was born, I am a Spiritual being that has a divine purpose on this Earth, you are a Spiritual being, we all are. We can't quit, we can't stop fighting the good fight. The world has plenty of excuses to give up, to live for the next drink or pill that temporarily numbs us or the one night stand that makes us feel so "special" for a few brief hours before we walk away from yet another hollow interlude.
I truly believe that we are student and teachers and sometimes both at the same time. Don't let your reaction to what you are learning or teaching to be directed on whether it feels good or sounds good. Regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in, we can take everything that happens to us, draw the power it has behind it and use it for good. Even when it seems like there is no hope that what you are experiencing is only going to get worse, you must remember that you are capable of finishing the race before and even winning the race if you let the power source within be in charge and you listen and take action.
As for me, my Body is starting to listen because my Mind is taking orders from my Spirit again. The “victim” story is dead. That is my cue that God is not finished with me yet when it comes to my mission here on Earth. So, with that said, I put the key in the ignition, turn on my car, let it warm up to the idea that its time to do some overhauling. With each day that goes by, my new story has changed to "I can" rather than "I can't," I know that I can get my SELF, INC. running the way it should and producing the greatest byproduct that overrules, defeats and transforms any situation into a beautiful alternative. That byproduct is love. So don't give up, don't let your Body or your Mind conjure up the script you are going to follow today or tomorrow or the next day. Only your Spirit has the best in mind for you because it is perfect and cannot be altered by someone or something other than its Creator. That is why when it is at the helm, the ship sails into the storms with courage and will. Apply that will or free will to everything you say and do until you drown your Mind and Body's voice that wants you to quit because that means they don't have to work or be responsible. But, when you Spirit has a word or two to say, listen because you are being directed by God who uses your Spirit to communicate His best for you. My mantra for this season of my life is:
“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”
- Lao Tzu
In Love & Faith,
Athena Kapantas
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