Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
When the Chips Are Down
Applying a new lifestyle can be a hard thing. The SELF, INC. Life Program is simple and easy to understand but the actual implementation of the principles can be challenging for most. One of the reasons I took a break from writing and coaching others on the Program is because I was in a car accident and had some other unexpected health issues that drew my attention away from helping others to trying to get my Body Department back in working order. Between going to this doctor and that doctor, getting procedures done and list goes on and on, your body sort of gets to run the show and it can drain you of your inner strength and derail you from living a Spirit-led life. In fact, I let it go on too long because I became a "victim" and had only miserable stories to share with others and eventually that effected my relationships in a negative way.
I am grateful that my car accident wasn't worse, but when you are injured you are injured. Since the Body is the vessel we use to do the things we do in our world, we cannot neglect it. I had focused so much on my Spirit Department that I got lazy with my Mind and Body Department. So when I got hit by another car, my response was coming from were I stood physically-speaking. I had not been practicing the principles for the Body Department and so I had gotten out of shape and that had effected my Mind Department because I didn't feel good about myself to begin with . Your Spirit Department can be prevailing but if you are not APPLYING your the principles of the Program for all three Departments something is eventually going to give. Now almost 2 years later after the accident my Body has healed but now the real work has to begin. My Mind Department has dropped the whole "feel sorry for me" story and is lining up again with my Spirit Department. I recently embarked on a overhaul of my SELF, INC. Every morning I have been waking up and like a old car in the winter, I feel myself warming up in the chill air and getting my engine ready. The key to getting your Departments in balance with one another so that they ALL work together. If one does not take note of what improvements or changes are to be made to their whole SELF, INC., all three Departments will be off kilter.
You don't have to be in a car accident or be ill in some way for your life to falter. It's about self-respect and self-love. We were not designed to be miserable beings. If you are on board with the fact that you are made of Spirit and you have a Mind and Body that work with what your Spirit has in mind for you everyday then there are no excuses. There are countless people out there that are so less fortunate. I know that is trite and how many times do we here the saying "it could be worse." The fact of the matter it is, anyone living their lives out by being externally-directed is living an unauthentic life and that is “could be worse.” We have a responsibility as individuals that is so grand that most of shy away and fall in line with the rest who are chasing their own tails or that next "material" thing that is going to make everything alright. We are the most amazing creation in the Universe. No matter how hard we try we will never be able to beat God at being a better Creator than He. It will never happen. The human being is the most amazing creation of all time. We can't add or subtract anything to what God has created. What we can do is be responsible for the honor we have in being a human being regardless of our disabilities, our health, our employment status, our relationships. People have proven to us all over this world that when someone has passion, or Inspirito (i.e. a Spirit) and have challenges that, for most of us, would be too much and we go down, for some of us we just give up on having any dreams, aspiration or even the will to live.
I can speak of these things because I have been there, at the end of my rope. I promise you this though, when I found myself falling into a "black hole" of some sort, reached out to God for answers about how to change so I could have the will to live and have the desire to pursue dreams. That was over 10 years ago when I asked for help and the SELF, INC. Life Program is what manifested out of that dark season of my life. I applied the principles that were unveiled to me and I felt myself growing in strength and desire to live out my purpose on this Earth. I was born, I am a Spiritual being that has a divine purpose on this Earth, you are a Spiritual being, we all are. We can't quit, we can't stop fighting the good fight. The world has plenty of excuses to give up, to live for the next drink or pill that temporarily numbs us or the one night stand that makes us feel so "special" for a few brief hours before we walk away from yet another hollow interlude.
I truly believe that we are student and teachers and sometimes both at the same time. Don't let your reaction to what you are learning or teaching to be directed on whether it feels good or sounds good. Regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in, we can take everything that happens to us, draw the power it has behind it and use it for good. Even when it seems like there is no hope that what you are experiencing is only going to get worse, you must remember that you are capable of finishing the race before and even winning the race if you let the power source within be in charge and you listen and take action.
As for me, my Body is starting to listen because my Mind is taking orders from my Spirit again. The “victim” story is dead. That is my cue that God is not finished with me yet when it comes to my mission here on Earth. So, with that said, I put the key in the ignition, turn on my car, let it warm up to the idea that its time to do some overhauling. With each day that goes by, my new story has changed to "I can" rather than "I can't," I know that I can get my SELF, INC. running the way it should and producing the greatest byproduct that overrules, defeats and transforms any situation into a beautiful alternative. That byproduct is love. So don't give up, don't let your Body or your Mind conjure up the script you are going to follow today or tomorrow or the next day. Only your Spirit has the best in mind for you because it is perfect and cannot be altered by someone or something other than its Creator. That is why when it is at the helm, the ship sails into the storms with courage and will. Apply that will or free will to everything you say and do until you drown your Mind and Body's voice that wants you to quit because that means they don't have to work or be responsible. But, when you Spirit has a word or two to say, listen because you are being directed by God who uses your Spirit to communicate His best for you. My mantra for this season of my life is:
“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”
- Lao Tzu
In Love & Faith,
Athena Kapantas
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The Mind Never Knows

He paused then and let out a sigh. The drama of the story just dripped like caramel of off my coffee cup heated with steam milk. He continued by sharing about all these religious and spiritual books that he had read about letting your spirit be your guide. Instead. he said he had allowed his mind to make the choice for him. As the truth unveiled itself regarding the true nature of the culture he had found himself in, he convinced himself that he can tolerate the environment of an organization that had destroyed its original foundation and had used the cheap materials of hypocrisy to rebuild itself. And then his friend posed a question, "what was the lesson that you were to learn and how will you grow so you can pull you roots from the muck (that's right the muck) and move on to greener pastures?" The main character of this coffee shop tragedy left little room for excuses. The main character sat for a moment, curled a small piece of his blonde hair around his finger and smiled. I was waiting for more grief, and plain old bitching but he got really serious in the face and I knew at that moment I would have to write about this man's story regardless of the outcome.
He said, "certainly I had to work there to experience what it is like to work for an organization that at one time was a "safe house." Instead, it had become nothing more than another money-hungry monster that had fallen into the trap of compromising its employees for the sake of saving face. I "thought", mind you, that I would be in a good place with an organization that prides itself on helping others." I then I had a vision of the Wizard of Oz making all his promises just to save his ass and I thought this sounds like this man was treated as disposable, as powerless and then sent away. I wanted to get up off my feet and vow that I would write what had happened to him because I was an advocate for people. I sat motionless instead, knowing how crucial it is to not interrupt a storyteller. He continued by saying, "any good teacher will tell you that there are lessons to be learned everyday regardless of what you think you know. I have read books about allowing your spirit to lead your mind as your body follows and I ended up doing the complete opposite. In the 25 years I worked in the private sector, I honestly had thought I had come home when I ventured into the non-profit sector. I thought that a 40 year old organization would be founded on honesty, compassion and truth. Instead, I slowly woke up to the realization that "God is Dead" which means "Love is Dead" to most humanitarian organizations."
He took another sip of his drink and sat back in his chair. What happened to him that he would be so judgemental so broken-hearted? Just as those thoughts fell out of my head, he answered the question. "I was sexually assaulted by a man who I was suppose to be mentoring. I was stunned when it happened but by then it was too late. I had allowed this man everyday to harass me, say sexually suggestive comments and manhandle me. Even I knew why he didn't report this man to upper management because most abused people don't register that they are being victimized, so their mind finds creative ways to justify the behavior. In this young man's situation, he didn't want to get the harasser in trouble. By the time in had progressed to sexual assault my subject of interest had been accused of being the harasser instead of the other way around. I observed his face as it fell low with sadness and disappointment. By not standing up for what was really going on, he was falsely accused and then after what I call political horse talk, because usually asses are doing the talking, the "women" in the room who at least in their world considered themselves powerful, demanded that incident be dropped and never spoken of again. Less than 9 months later, the young man was fired. At that moment my hand started shaking. By the end of the conversation I knew the name of the organization and I pitied them. Because when one snake makes it into the hen house, there will be more. And well we know what happens when a snake is found somewhere it shouldn't be. Espcially if their is a shovel in hand. I am a strong believer in Karma and that God's vengeance cannot be reckoned with. It may seem like this man had turned the other cheek, but there is a whole other afterlife that has eternity at the palm of its hands and I believe it has a different for definition and set of laws when it comes to "rightful punishment" when something just got "brushed under the carpet."
The politics fly high and the more people you can step on the more powerful you believe you are becoming. Yes, there is an awakening occurring in our world and people are realizing life is multi-dimensional but unfortunately those who chose to live as if the ground under their feet is going to save them are the same people who shove past others as if they are disposable when in reality they just brushed by an enlightened person. Our minds are machines, that is all. And when something sounds, looks, feels good then it must be good, right? Wrong. That is the irony of it all. In the end, no matter what spiritual beliefs you have, if any, if you dismiss the impact you make with your actions towards others and this world, there will always be a price to pay. In fact, the victimizer often times ends up in a worst state than their victims. The ultimate lesson here is to remember that forgiveness is absolutely essential if one is to make a clearing for the right things to come to pass. Your Spirit can' t function the way it was intended to if your mind is running the show, or worse somebody else's mind. Every human being has a choice, to do right or wrong. The best way to know which way to turn is to ask yourself before you do or say something "is this going to benefit me and/or the person that I am taken action towards?" If the answer is no, don't pass go my friend.
I have lived long enough but even though I still have a long way to go, I have seen the law of what comes around goes around take effect on my own life and the lives of others. You will always reap what you sow. Listening to my neighboring coffee drinker in my favorite writing joint, I take on the unlawful treatment this man endured upon myself as as if it was my own experience with an organization that makes false promises and is hollow like a cactus tree, I weep for the souls of those who live in a illusion that they are doing good things. We don't get to choose what our commission in our lifetime. We are lucky if we wake up to it quickly enough to fullfill most of it. That is a destiny sort of thing and would take another article to explain. But I will say plan all that you want, put all you got into your dreams but don't ever think you can orchestrate the outcome to unravel exactly as you imagined. As for me, I realize how little I know about humans and their capability of hurting their fellow man or woman. It is the ones that wear painted faces and think that their gentle tone of voice can hide the condition of their soul. My lesson here is that when you wake up from the dream stay awake. Because like Dorothy falling asleep in the field, you never know when the evil part of a man will attempt to misguide you.
The only spirit's condition I want to be accountable for is mine. As this man described how he threw his name tag away and burned his business cards as a closing ritual, I wondered if he had been humbled enough that he allowed this situation to some way manifest internal power for knowing that he knows the truth and the truth always finds its way out of any grave you bury it in it. He seemed as if he was a kindred soul of sorts so hopefully he eventually walked away and humbled himself to God for remind him that the only agenda for this life and the there after is love and spreading it throughout the world. I wondered like me, did he get that he no longer has to allow the energy coming from outside himself dressed to the kilt with vomiting nostalgia or a belief that he needed to give back to an organization that once was was and that he had escaped their curse of mediocracy.
I thanked him quietly as I felt the dark writer within me, the Crow I call her, who was biting at the bit to write out her favorite kind of stories. Stories about the existence of darkness so that enlightened individuals can live with the knowing that this nemis within us all exists and whenever we can we must educate the dull mind so it awakens to the lunacy that the Devil did not make anybody do it and that it is your own damn job to slay your own dragon. You can face the person the world has convince you of who are to be in this world and change back to that magnificant knight or princess that used to exist long ago or be like the cattle every day that wake up, sell their souls in the morning and then haggle with Devil to get it back at night.
Keep it simple; don't let your mind create mirages that titillate your senses and make you feel good inside. Look at the roots of every situation that poses itself to you. If they are rotting so is the fruit. The fool is the one who chooses to eat the fruit instead of going a little hungry. I am glad that this person got spit out before he got tainted to the point that he couldn't release himself from the grip of certain individuals that remain asleep at the broken place he worked at. Thanks be to the Spirit, the Universal Mind, that thrives to awaken us to the true human spirit that is meant to fly, not be caged by bigots and liars. I wished as I collected my things that I will honor my next main character. And the Crow...she wakes me up quickly especially after I hear stories like I just did about people being thrown to the ground by individuals who had truly snowed him. The laws that govern the spiritual realm are far more powerful and dangerous than anything the mind of a person can conjure up. Power trips that executive directors jerk off to, 25 year old managers and burnt out employees that feed off things of this world that will never fulfill the need within.
How sad, how true and part of the ongoing between good and evil. Our families, our communties, our towns our cities can only be replenished by selfless acts of love. With that said, my hopes are the people will be released who slumber in the sinking sand of deception. Perhaps one day they will awaken to the immoral destruction of their lives and still have a chance to redeem themselves. As a student and a teacher of life I ask forgiveness from you, my readers, my fellow travelers of life. I neglected my destiny, my calling because I had chosen to believe another person's perception of what my reality should look like for so long. Instead I ended up running out of burning house made out of deck of cards full of jokers. The sad thing is that nobody that matters is laughing, and some day those who are burning and don' t feel the heat will eat the crops that their poisoned seeds have produced. Like the man in the coffeehouse I realized I have been wronged, my famly, friends, strangers, the general human race. Some of us have feel and never got up. Then there are those who did quite the opposite. Don't think that God is not taking notes. We are in for a big surprise one day. I wish only a speedy recovery from any wounds that were inflicted on this man by his form employer and that he will not have to consciously forgive countless times until the stinger comes out of his heart and he is able to look upon his experience with gratitude and hopefully with his soul intact.
In Love & Faith,
Athena Kapantas
SELF, INC. Life Program
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Why Fear?

The truth of the matter is that fear is not real. It is fabricated and is a self-sabotaging excuse to keep a person down-and-out. But, it is a choice for each person to decide to throw out this self-defeating defense mechanism, which is completely broken, inept and again not real and choose to live life through the power of love. Love casts out all fear. The two cannot co-exist in a single thought or action. It sounds easier than it is, especially when the world is volatile and is the home to all us for however long we live. I personally struggle with fear and every day I have to reject its pathetic attempts to derail me by replacing whatever garbage it tries to drop on my head with positive, self-affirming and courageous thoughts. Also, acknowledging that the past is gone, it’s finished and it is history also gives me leverage against unfounded fear. Therefore, basing today, which is all that DOES exist, on truth, the now, living in the moment and allowing the possibility of greatness, beauty and life to occur is how we can eject fear. The mind, which is nothing but a computer full of data, which is a compilation of truths, fabrications, fairy tales, nightmares among other things, unfortunately malfunctions. As it malfunctions, other parts of ones being also malfunction. When the mind sends out a false alarm, which it does countless times throughout the day, emotional and physical responses occur if we don’t throw out is messaging. Emotionally one may feel anxious, scared, worried, confused, terrorized and isolated. Physically one may feel sick to their stomach, acquire a headache, throw up, experience panic attacks or have a complete meltdown. All because the mind decided to send out a fear alert when the present situation didn’t call for it.
It goes back to living with the Spirit leading the Mind as the Body follows. The Spirit never loses it cool. It is not influenced by the mind or the body. It is taking orders from God and when it is given top billing instead of being ignored, it can eliminate ALL things and thoughts that are causing fear to erupt in irrelevant circumstances. So, how can the Spirit lead the way without the mind jumping and giving its two cents worth or even a bucket worth? By tuning in within and not allowing the world and life and other people to externally regulate your life. Being a hermit is not the answer for most of us. But you can "live" in a way where regardless of the storm; you can remain in the eye and be still and at peace while the winds, rain and thunder attempt to drown you. It starts with accepting that a Higher Power is in charge of the whole thing. That's right. Every situation, every person, every challenge, a Power greater than anyone of us can fathom, is working behind the scenes and some cases just comes out of the shadows and steps in and takes charge…if we let Him. Our humanness though loves to be in control. In fact, some of us are so used to waking up with fear that we have just accepted it as part of the package. Again, we buy into the daily lies that are dished out and instead of telling our minds to get the heck out of our way, we cash in our chips and live from a place of falsehood and dismay.
It is hard to believe that with all that is happening in the world, that one can find peace within rather than in a whiskey bottle, a pill, toxic relationships or broken dreams. The Spirit within knows the deal. Give it a chance to speak, get quiet and listen. Meditate, pray, read positive literature, study spiritual writings and just let go of the control. Can’t you tell that the control is not for any of us to have no matter what title, financial status, gender, personal and professional clout has or how “popular” we are. In the end, what comes around goes around and how someone attempts to enforce their so-called power on others, the Universe keeps score and eventually what comes around goes around. The world will never stop turning, people will never stop making mistakes and change will continue to be the only constant. But, that is the joke. If we really see how ridiculous the things we “think” (oops there goes the Mind again) are important, they simply are not. While life in general runs around with its head cut off and offers us the hatchet we can laugh knowing that we are internally regulated and in the big picture man has turned Mother Earth into a spectacle and each other into punching bags for selfish gain. In end, what anyone reaps, they will sow. Being at peace with not having to always react, always get involved, always be overwhelmed, always overbook our calendars, always saying yes to everything can stop the madness and we will look forward to our reaping.
So many Spiritual leaders spoke and speak about being still and quiet and turning within to find the true answers to questions that leave one in a state of fear. Look past the fear and surprisingly there is no substance, no legitimate reason for its existence. Choose to not believe in fear and choose the existence of just love. Love is stronger than any political leader, CEO, manager, parents, spouse, creditor, disease and financial hardship. Regardless of the outcomes, fear doesn’t belong in ones life. Love is the key master that opens the door to positive possibility. Just ask for the key from your Spirit and watch the doors open. Don't peer inside, just jump in. It’s called taking a risk on your own behalf. Throw all the fear-based tapes that are piled up in the archives in your head and start creating new tapes for your mind to run, even it is a phrase or a single works. For example, "all things are possible and all things are created in love. There is no room for fear in my realm of being because I’m in the business of living in a state of peace, joy, health and prosperity!"
In Love & Faith,
Athena Kapantas
SELF, INC. Life Program
Friday, April 16, 2010
Walking in Your Own Shoes

Lately I have found myself wondering what it would be like to walk in someone else's shoes. The thoughts I pondered didn't last because I can only walk a million miles in my own shoes but as I pass by other wanderers I realize I am not alone in this journey. Most of us are just trying to find our way to that place that is meant just for us. Others have become numb and disenchanted because of what life has thrown at them. Living life from a spiritual level can be hard but it is really the only true way. As I wrote in the SELF, INC, Life Program Handbook, the Mind and Body are so easily misguided. We are not our minds and our bodies just encase our beings so that we can survive on this Earth. This truth may seem profound at first but it is what it is. Our Spirits are well protected within us and hold the compass that can lead us out of any storm or tribulation. Yes, I can only wear my own shoes, who has time to try on somebody else's? But I see myself in everybody around me. We are all interconnected Spiritually. Sometimes enlightenment comes upon a group of people, a community, an organization suddenly. It is become more and more rare, but it does occur. When it happens everyone just "gets it." It can be a revelation about a company you work for. You may go to your job one day and realize you have been working for thieves. You may be part of an organization that is supposed to be helping your community but instead is a front for money laundering. I am not suggesting that every awakening reveals negative circumstances but the reality is that our world has lost touch with the essence of why we are here to begin with.
We were designed to be Lovers. Lovers of Mankind and the Earth we live in. When I practice active listening to my Spirit's voice I gain the guidance, knowledge and power to change the course I am on. If I ignore it and let my Mind, which is just a computer regurgitating data regardless if it true, ethical or morally sound. If you allow it, the Mind will rationalize a situation to the point of utter disgust, and you will be left with a complete sense of confusion and your personal power will have been diffused.
As human beings we cannot waste even a second on something or someone that is only out to steal and destroy us. When it comes to our Mind, it is not it's fault. It is just doing it job whether it is corrupt or not. We are the gatekeepers. If we don't dump the all the crap we have collected in the form of judgements, assumptions, accusations and countless other forms of trash, our Minds will just keep using what it has and throw out conclusions that we assume are true and are based on actual facts. So many of our fellow human beings may think they are "aware" of what they are doing and that they are in control, but the reality is that they have bought into a lie. No spirit-led person would ever do anything that opposes the Law of Love. If and when they do, they are acting according to what their Minds and Bodies are telling them to do. They are behaving no differently than a typical animal. Even though we can "think out" and rationalize our decisions and actions, in the end we will always resort to doing whatever it takes to survive.
Self-preservation is not the problem, it is how we go about it. If we allow God to speak to our Spirits and actually take the time to listen, we are guaranteed 100% that the guidance we receive will only promote love and prosperity for ourselves and our fellow beings. Regardless of the sacrifice we may have to make, ultimately it is about being able to wake up every day and say YES to life and no to death. You can be breathing, talking, walking, going to the PTA meetings, playing with your kids but still be "dead."
We were designed for such greatness but the world is what it is and how we respond to it will control the destiny of our lives. The choice is always ours. Free will is a God-given gift, but very few of us know how to control it and use it to our advantage so we can further the progress of our lives and humanity. We are being called on a universal level to STOP and ask ourselves, "when will I stop making it about just me?" Will you not join me in the movement that we deeply need in order to continue to move forward and generate progress on all levels of life?
In Love & Faith,
Athena Kapantas
SELF, INC. Life Program
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Power Within You

I am on a spiritual sabbatical in the Gulf of Mexico and today the sun has decided to hide behind the shady clouds above. I know it is still there even though I can't see it or feel its warm rays. The same goes with our Spirits. Like the sun, it is hidden, unseen, but that does not mean it is not thriving and actively guiding us every day. As we grow older and lose touch with the power within us, we allow our senses to guide us, many times in the wrong direction. When we realize that we allowed ourselves to be guided carnally, we may find ourselves lost, or confused or in quite a pickle if you know what I mean. Sometimes, the predicaments we step into unknowingly, are so complex that the only thing we can do is accept the fact that we misguided ourselves by allowing our Minds and Bodies to make decisions for us instead allowing our Spirits, which are unbiased, unjudging, coming from love and truth to lead the way. I spent a lot of energy and time trying to backtrack myself out of situations that were to my detriment. Healing from some of those situations have cost me things that are far more precious than a relationship that was never meant to develop, a job I wasn't supposed to take or a decision I wasn't suppose to make.
When I was taking a walk by the ocean yesterday afternoon, I found myself at one point speechless. I just stared and the massiveness, the power and the intensity of the water. The waves tirelessly bashed onto the shore, pushing past anything that got in the way. I was seduced by the sounds I heard and the awe of the mystery of it all. Even though the water was quite chilly even for Florida, I couldn't resist. It had been too long for me to be away from one of the most magnificent evidences we have that a God does exist. So I stepped into His creation. I walked in as if I was numb and had no nerve endings that could feel the chill of the water. I had my trusty raft and I just plunged in. Was it my Mind telling to do it? Certainly it wasn't my Body. My Spirit wanted me to be reminded of my the power I had within. It is the same power that moves the ocean waves. It is the same power the colors the sky blue. It is the same power that had created me. Back home in Colorado, inspite of the magnificance of the Rocky Mountains, it is the ocean that calms my soul and calls me to myself. I made it past the sand bar where the water was breaking and jumped onto my raft. Immediately I submitted to the water. It felt so familiar. It felt like home. For a brief moment I realized how easy it would be to just let go and let the ocean set me free from the physical world and leave everything behind. For just a brief moment I wanted to just be one with God forever and leave my troubles behind. I layed my head down and closed my eyes. I must of been still for just a moment when my instinct for survival kicked in. I looked up to see where I was and realized the ocean was pulling me in so I stepped down to touch the ocean floor but I found no sand just more salty water.
At first, I wasn't afraid but I did become alert. I did not choose that consciously it just happened. We are naturally designed to fight for survival if need be. So, I looked within and my Spirit made it clear that it wasn't my time to leave Earth and that I had to get back to shore so I began to kick. Instead of getting closer I found that the ocean wanted to make sure that I had learned my lesson about not testing God or Power. I kept getting drawn deeper and deeper. That is when my whole being came alive. I felt like an animal that sensed a predator had entered my lair. I furiously began to kick and paddle and with my Spirit leading my mind as my body followed, all three parts of me worked as one to thrust us onto the edge of a oncoming wave and I was literally carried all the way to shore where I was spit out onto the sand face first. I didn't know if should have laughed or cried or both. But, the message was clear. God was saying to me that it was not my time and I belonged right here.
The Power within us is really outside of us as well. We are connected to everything that surrounds our being. If you ever feel like you have lost touch with your spiritual guide, your inner voice, your true self, your Spirit, start by lookin around you. If mountains are your gig then go there. Drive into the valleys, park your car and walk into the woods, in the forest, touch the ground and ask God to touch you back. Nature is God's one of God's most magnificant masterpieces and proof of His existence. The elements that came together to create you can be found in sand, water, air, flowers, trees, soil. The key to staying in touch with your true self is to be "aware" of your surroundings and there you will find yourself. No matter what life brings even if it is death, your true self, the power within, your Spirit is eternal. It lives on inspite of everything. Live from the and you will find that you are less likely to lose touch with who you are, what you stand for and why you were put in this Earth. Learn to love that part of yourself even when it tells you to go in a direction you "think" or "feel" you shouldn't go. Only your Spirit is untouchable and untainted. Our minds are impressionable and like computers can catch viruses, spit out useless jargon and lead astray. Our Bodies are the same. When someone says trust your instinct they really should be saying trust your Spirit.
I thought I had to come to the ocean, to leave my home and my family and friends to reconnect my Spirit with the Creator. Now I know that I can go home and find that same connection there. I have no regrects mind for "running away" for 10 days or so to a ocean. What I have found here in the majesty and beauty of the Florida seaside was me! And boy I was so happy to see me again! With many tears of gratitude I have sat by the ocean these thanking God that He had given me this chance to be reminded what lives within me. I can hear Him sending loving thank you back that I decided to listen and allowed the power within to be my guide to bring me back home to me.
In Love & Faith,
Athena Kapantas
SELF, INC. Life Program
Monday, February 15, 2010
No One Said It Was Going To Be Easy

It amazes me time and time again how life insists on throwing curve ball after curve at us. Life is truly a series of lessons. It is up to us if we decided to learn the lesson or take the class over. The SELF, INC. Life Program states that you can be internally regulated. That means that your Spirit can truly be the leader and decision-maker in your life. It is what will keep you steady when you fall down, or fail or something doesn't go your way, or someone breaks your heart. Our minds our full of excuses and reasons to blame the world, others, circumstances or God when we find ourselves faced with a challenge. It takes discipline and commitment to ourselves to hold our ground and stay true to ourselves, our morals and standards. We are the ones who decide how to respond to this or that. Not the other way around.
I am not saying that it is easy. in fact there are some extraordinary cases where we are forced to bend to the forces outside of ourselves. If your employer decides to lay you off there is little you can do except move on. If your partner decides to leave for someone else without looking back at you, you have to find the strength to ride the storm and get through the pain without losing yourself. If we let our Minds choose how we act or react, 9 out of 10 times it will be the wrong way to go. We will only find ourselves in a worse state. Our Spirits though are our higher state of being. Spirits are made of pure love and love conquers all things no matter what the outcome. The SELF, INC. Life Program Handbook explains how you can live your life with your Spirit leading your Mind as your Body follows. It offers a self-help life management program that is easy-to-apply. The Program itself is dedicated to personal growth and success in all areas of your life. Again. No one said it was going to be easy, but you have a choice when we fall. We can either draw from the power within our own Spirit and stand up for our right to love and life or be a victim.
As a fellow human being I am committed to sharing whatever insight I gain from my own travel throughout my life in hopes of given others inspiration to never quit on even when it seems like everyone and everything and quit on you. Always ask yourself with every challenge you face, "what is the lesson I can learn from this?"
In Love & Faith,
Athena Kapantas
SELF, INC. Life Program
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